20111 Mexico Silver Libertad Coin (Proof-like). The Mexican Silver Libertad Coin is struck in much lower mintage levels each year the American Silver Eagle and Austrian Silver Philharmonic, and Canadian Maple since its introduction in 1982. Recently, demand for the Libertad has risen, making it a hard-to-find coin as numismatics look to acquire the coin amid continued low mintage levels. Contains 1 Kilo (32.15 Troy oz) of. 999 pure silver in Proof-like condition. Winged Victory appears on the coins obverse. Mexican coat of arms is featured on the coins reverse. On the obverse side of 1 Kilo Silver Libertad Coins is a depiction of Winged Victory. Her figure is shown here as depicted at the top of the Mexican Independence Victory Column, the latter of which was erected in the center of Mexico City in 1921 to mark 100 years of independence from Spain. The reverse face of 1 Kilo Mexican Silver Libertad Coins includes the modern design of the Mexican coat of arms in the very center. It is immediately surrounded by a cactus wreath below and the inscription Estados Unidos Mexicanos above. Surrounding the entire design field is a collection of 10 historical versions of the national seal. Mexican Silver Libertad coins are struck in a total of seven weights each year, with three full weights and four fractional weights. Mexican Silver Libertad is the most popular coin the series, and tends to have the highest mintage numbers each year. Images used on the Libertad coins trace back to 1920 and Mexicos celebration of the start of its fight for freedom from Spanish rule. The Libertad 1kg silver coin 2011 has a diameter of 110 mm which higher than the standard diameter of other bullion coins made of silver that weight 1 kilo. The diameter for other 1kg bullion coins is set around the 100.6 mm dimension. Therefore, the Mexican silver coins are in general large coins, exceeding others belonging to their category of denomination. The fineness of one Libertad 1kg silver coin 2011 is 99.90% the same also for other denominations belonging to this series of Mexican silver coins. The 1 Kilo Mexican Silver Libertad bullion coin was the last to join the investment-grade range of coins. Introduced by the Mexican Mint in 2008, it has been struck in every year since with the exception of 2013 and 2014. In the center of Mexico City in 1920, a statue of the Angel of Independence was erected to represent the countrys struggles during the War of Independence. The angels image, along with the national coat of arms, were included on the Centenario gold coin. Today, both images are featured on the Mexican Silver Libertad.